FarmGrit now Selling Jensales Tractor Manuals

Jensales are the Tractor Manual People

In an effort to provide our customers with a broad base of Equipment Manuals, Catalogs & Documentation, we have become dealers for Jensales, Inc. of Manchester, Minnesota. We are loading our website with Manuals and related product right now.

Jensales has Service, Parts and Operators Manuals for over 20,000 machines. 

We will keep our customers up to date with our product upgrade progress and make offerings on our Product News Blog linked on our main navigation bar on every webpage. We look forward to being a Jensales Dealer so we may better serve FarmGrit customers and potential new ones. Please browse herein and watch the videos: 


Why Do You Need A Service (SVC) Manual?

The service manual tells you how to take the tractor apart, how to fix it, and how to put it back together again. It is the manual that the factory furnished the dealer's service department, and was not sent or given to individual retail customers. These are authentic manuals that deal with repairs in the language of a mechanic. Often times they include loads of valuable information as to specifications, torque settings, etc. If you are performing  serious repairs or restoration, you need the shop service manual. It can give you many short cuts and save you much time. 

Why Do You Need An Operator's (OPT) Manual?

The operator's manual (sometimes referred to as the owner's manual) is the manual that came with the tractor when it was new. The manual that was given to the ultimate consumer by the manufacturer. It can be compared to the manual you receive in the glove box of a new car. This manual gives the owner-operator instructions, shift patterns, capacities (anti freeze, crankcase, etc.) and adjustment procedures (brakes, clutch, etc.). This is a very useful and valuable tool in operating your tractor. 

Why Do You Need A Parts (PTS) Manual?

The parts manual has exploded views of all parts on the tractor. With numbered pictures giving you great detail on assembly and disassembly. It also gives you a guide, with numbers, for ordering parts, and makes you seem much more informed when talking to the dealer. Many service manuals, after telling you how to disassemble, in detail, and how to repair, will simply say reassemble". If you have your PTO in the wash tank, in 30 pieces, without notes, you have a problem. The parts manual can help you out with an exploded view of the PTO unit, and you can see immediately how it all goes back together. You need the parts manual! 

Are These Original Or Reproduction Manuals?

Our manuals are either a new original manual from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or a new reproduction of a clean, but used, OEM manual. Many of the manufacturers from the early days of mechanized farming are no longer in existence, along with their manuals. For that reason we have spent years gathering a collection of clean reproductions of those early manuals. We then use those master reproductions to continue to print additional copies for sale, allowing you to keep that vintage tractor operating. When they are available, we offer new manuals from the OEM. 


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Find Jensales Manuals & Product on the main menu

 Jensales Product Listings can be found on the FarmGrit site on the main navigational menu on each page. Jensales content pulls down on sub-menus with product listings given as "Manual Products" which will bring up the Manuals pages, using the URL address:

You may buy your product here through the link and it will be delivered directly to you by Jensales once prepayment is made. You may call FarmGrit at 701-269-5104 in Jamestown, ND or you can Email us or use 24 hour CHAT from our site. We pride ourselves on direct customer service and you can reach us any time. We will keep you up to date on pertinent Jensale News from our site.

Inquiries into your manual and questions on availability:  CLICK HERE

Jensales offers certain products that we do not offer, you may check out their web site at they are a leader in the industry and are highly recommended.  Please come back to this site for more product news and updates, thank you.  FarmGrit LLC

See the FarmGrit Jensales Manual Collection

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